Sarah Nicole Landry of The Birds Papaya on Embracing Change



Sarah Nicole Landry - The Birds Papaya

Sarah Nicole Landry

Founder, The Birds Papaya


Sarah Nicole is a badass mother of three. Five years ago she embarked on a journey to get out of life's ruts and better her life. She lost 100lbs and went through massive life change with a divorce pushing her into a new chapter of single motherhood.

But like, a badass chapter. Since then, she met this bearded guy and he drank her poison and asked her to marry him. So she locked that down quickly and now they rock the whole chosen family thing!

After struggling to find love for her body after losing all that weight, she worked through a lot of inner dialogues to discover the value and meaning behind self-love - and well, she thinks it's worth sharing about.

By using social media as her journal, she loves helping others see and understand their worth, love their bodies, feel less alone in the world, and be ok with life's little shakeups.

About this episode

Sarah Nicole Landry is the real deal. This self-love trailblazer bares so much of her true soul, mind and body on the daily while inspiring and imploring her community to embark on their own individual self-love and self-acceptance journeys.

It’s no surprise that her loyal followers have grown to 1.4 million on Instagram (and that 700,000 of those followers joined her within a 12 month period). I love so many things about Sarah Nicole, but I think my favourite quality of hers is her commitment to personal growth and evolution.

This evolution and openness to change have been apparent in observing the way that she has thoughtfully taken action in her anti-racism work, her inclusivity initiatives and her willingness to admit where she has gone wrong.

Sarah Nicole’s is a journey of fluidity and transformation – she is completely comfortable being her own biggest hypocrite, which allows space for important growth.

On today’s episode, we talk about anti-racism, the history of the term ‘body positive’, thin privilege, plastic surgery and body enhancements, as well as motherhood – and of course, self-love!

Key takeaways

  • Language is important: The term 'body positivity' was derived from a movement created by and for Black women. It can be considered offensive when white women and women with thin privilege use this terminology. Check out this article for more info
  • Polarization can be dangerous: It's important that we are careful about 'denouncing' body enhancements (including plastic surgery) as a part of the 'self-love' movement. Doing so doesn't allow for individual choice which is what self-love is all about.
  • There is a good way to respond to being called out/in: if our content is ever viewed as offensive, it is possible to respond and take appropriate action in a productive way. Katy Prince discusses this in length

About your host


Natalie Cooper

Founder of

Natalie is a soul on a mission to empower you to take your healing – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual – into your own hands.

As a self-healer, living fully- medication and symptom-free, with chronic autoimmune diseases (Crohn’s & Multiple Sclerosis), Natalie believes in the power of mindfulness, intention and self-care to create the health, happiness and experiences you desire in your life.

Natalie started ‘Mind Your Own’ to share her experiences while navigating her path to wellness and to show you that anything is possible when you live mindfully.

Natalie’s healing journey has led her to experience practices that have been instrumental in strengthening her belief in the power of mindfulness. She feels her purpose is to share her experiences with others who are interested in becoming active participants in their healing. Natalie is a  certified Meditation Instructor, EFT Instructor, Reiki Practitioner, Labour Doula and Childbirth Educator, living near Toronto, Canada.

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