Hi, I'm Natalie

Natalie Cooper, Founder of the Mind Your Own Life Podcast

I’m on a soul mission to help you realize and activate your innate self-healing superpowers.

My Story

In early 2015, I was living in a body that felt foreign to me. I was working in a joyless advertising job, frequently experiencing pain and digestive issues after being diagnosed with Crohn's disease two years prior, and little did I know,  my health was about to get a whole lot worse. I started to experience new and more severe symptoms that led to multiple emergency room visits, and intense fear and anxiety. After six months of intensifying chest pain, debilitating vertigo, weakness, numbness, brain fog, gait issues, and finally, vision loss, I was diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in September 2015. What felt like the worst day of my life actually turned out to be one of the most transformative as I decided right then and there, in my hospital bed, that I did not want to be sick anymore and I made a deal with myself to take full responsibility for my health in a way I never had before. My diagnosis catapulted me into an empowering educational journey about the human body and the inherent and sacred capabilities we have, as humans, to self-heal. Over the following months, I spent hundreds of hours studying the Placebo/Nocebo effects, Epigenetics, Neuroplasticity, Manifestation, Energetics, Self-Care, Mindset, Meditation and distilled my learnings into a self-healing 'toolkit' that became the framework that allowed me to fully heal from both of my chronic illnesses. As of 2021, I  have been in full remission, without the use of any medication, for over half a decade. Initially, my 'toolkit' was designed only for my own personal use, but as I have expanded my knowledge, experimented with different modalities and openly shared my successes, I often found myself informally supporting others who had experienced scary diagnoses and wanted to start to heal. I loved these connections and hearing of their successes so much that I made the decision in 2020 to begin to formally support and empower others on their own healing journeys, through Reiki, Meditation, EFT, Self-Healing Mentorship and more!  I truly believe that anyone can self-heal with the right tools and I know firsthand the immense impact that intentional action, mindset work and self-care practices can have on the manifestation process. We all have the power to call in the health, energy, vibrancy and joy we want to feel more of in our lives and my mission with Mind Your Own is to illuminate the path forward.

More about me: I’m a certified Reiki Usui Practitioner, Meditation & EFT Instructor, Doula & Childbirth Educator and Self-Healing Mentor, living in the beautiful Niagara Region of Canada with my husband, Ade, our daughter two-year-old daughter, Olive, and our sweet Goldendoodle, Archie.

Mind Your Own icon

Mind Your Own is a culmination of half a decade of research, education and experimentation of various spiritual, manifestation and mindfulness strategies to support my own self-healing from chronic illness. I started this platform to share my learnings with those who are feeling disconnected from their bodies, just like I once was. I’m living proof that, despite the diagnosis, self-healing is possible!

About the Mind Your Own Offerings

About My Offerings

All of my offerings are rooted in ancient modalities and teachings with proven healing potential, entwined with my own intuitive inputs that have allowed me to heal and support others on their paths to self-healing.

It’s important to note before we begin working together, that self-healing work is incredibly subjective. There are no guarantees of how quickly you will physically respond to any self-healing program, as your experiences and belief systems are so individual to you! You can trust, however, that it is always empowering to become to take responsibility for your health and find a deeper connection with your body.


There are conflicting viewpoints about the definition of the term 'self-healing'. My personal view is that 'self-healing' does not mean healing without any outside support (mental health support, medication, alternative modalities etc.). To me, self-healing means taking an active, instead of a passive, role in the healing process. It means being intentional about your healing and connecting with all of the tools you are using to heal.

I am not a medical professional, so it's of utmost importance that you consult your healthcare team (including any mental health professionals you work with) before implementing any new practices. In my experience, most healthcare professionals are supportive of the types of strategies I promote in my programs, especially those who support mindfulness and stress reduction.

Mind Your Own
Natalie Cooper looks forward to working with you

I look forward to being in community with you and supporting you however I can on your own individual path to your most aligned life.

If you're interested, you can read more about my healing transformation here.

How I can support you

Mind your own healing course

Mind Your Own Healing Course

Mind Your Own Coaching with Natalie Cooper

1:1 Mentorship

Mind Your Own Meditation and EFT


Mind Your own Birth Work

Birth Work

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